Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are common affecting  sportspersons, military personnel, and general public. One of the common cause for civilians is motor vehicle accidents.  Severe brain injuries will no doubt be evident in neuroimaging such  as CT or MRI scans. They will often result in observable physical injuries as well. Mild TBI are often not visible on conventional neuroimaging but can be seen with QEEG brain mapping. Mild TBI, or  Post concussion syndrome, encompasses symptoms which include: frequent headaches, fatigue, irritability, poor concentration, poor sleep. These symptoms can be severe enough to cause major problems in workplace and relationships.
People who have sustained multiple injuries often report ADHD-like symptoms or having a “brain fog”. Many individuals would also develop Post-traumatic stress disorder and report nightmares, flashbacks and become extremely avoidant of reminders. Other psychaitric conditions that can follow TBI include depression, anxiety and substance abuse. Another condition which is often report is chronic pain which affects neck, shoulder or other body areas. These individuals receive Chronic pain syndrome and receive a cocktail of pain medications. Unfortunately,  medications can only manage very distressing symptoms but there are no specific treatments that will reverse the brain changes due to injury. In fact medications can cause unacceptable side effects making their utility very limited.
Neurofeedback brain training is a reasonable treatment option with good evidence in reducing some of the most troubling symptoms in TBI. Please speak to our staff or healthcare professional for more information on treatment options.

Duff, J. (2004). The usefulness of quantitative EEG (QEEG) and neurotherapy in theassessment and treatment of post-concussion syndrome.Clin. EEG Neurosci.,35(4),198–209.