Information, Research and Evidence

Getting Started

For a basic understanding of the ZenWaves treatment philosophies and methodologies, please visit:

Integrative Psychology



Research into non-invasive neuroscientific treatments receives limited funding compared to the amounts pharmaceutical companies invest in supporting drug trials. Nevertheless, there is a significant body of peer-reviewed research published in reputable journals.

The International Society for Neuroregulation and Research maintains a comprehensive bibliography of published research relating to neurofeedback.

Other useful sites

Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine is a biology-based approach which focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease, rather than treating symptoms.

Find out more about functional medicine.

Keep up to date with news, opinions and research

Integrative Psychiatry

Psychiatry Redefined supports functional medicine and integrative psychiatry principles. Learn more.


Australasian professional organisation for healthcare professionals committed to neuroscience and neuromodulation treatments.

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